
Anti-Racism / Anti-Oppression / Decolonization

Niagara Community Legal Clinic takes an Anti-Racist, Anti-Oppressive, and Decolonizing (ARAO-D) approach to our work. 

We recognize that Niagara is the territory of many Indigenous nations. 

Our peninsula is protected by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum covenant and by diverse treaties. 

We draw inspiration from the laws of those Indigenous nations and of those treaties.

We advocate for the dignity of all people – and in a special way for impoverished people – regardless of race, creed, country of origin, gender identity, gender expression, disability (including psychiatric disability), sexual orientation, or creed. 

We acknowledge that racism is systemic, and that anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism (in particular) are manifest in our society.

We seek to foster a safer and more encouraging environment for all.

We cherish the Constitution of Canada, which states that everyone has rights to security of the person and to fundamental justice – and that all of us are equal before the law.

We cherish human rights.

We honour the fact that our clients come to our clinic from many walks of life, from many paths.  It is our privilege to accompany them on their journeys.